Comentariile membrilor:

+ between two gestures
Anca Veronica Anghel
[07.Nov.03 06:50]
I liked how you said:

"Let's get lost between two gestures"

Beautiful and simple.

Congratulations for your short prose

 =  :)
Anne Marie Oprea
[07.Nov.03 11:46]
:) thanks. I guess I'm not the only one waiting for the next summer to come :)

 =  may I?
Andreea Drăguleasa
[07.Nov.03 22:20]
One of the nicest things I've ever read and felt deep inside: "Let's get lost between two gestures." Who could resist that temptation?

Two tiny objections to the spelling:
- "the tender see" - sea, right?
- "gonna loose you" - I think you meant "lose".
Please correct me if my latter intervention (loose - lose) is not justified here. The meanings of "loose" that I am aware of don't fit in the context, or so it seems to me.


 =  only the loser part :))
Anne Marie Oprea
[08.Nov.03 16:23]
thanks :) I misspelled the "lose" but the "sea" it's not "see". thanks anyway :)

 =  not only grammar
Anca Veronica Anghel
[08.Nov.03 20:13]
It would be nice to make comments also about the meaning of the writing and notify the grammar mistakes as an additional observation.

As we all know, even in our mother language we can make mistakes easy.
I'm not saying not to mention about the mistakes (from mistakes we can all learn) but not to make them our main issue.
Grammar is important, the shape is important but let's not forget about the content.

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