Comentariile membrilor:

 =  couple of suggestions
ion amariutei
[19.Dec.03 22:32]
pretty much like before:

*Most people cry*

*The most beautiful and meaningless thing
is nostalgia.* - not necessary to repeat *most*. i still don't have the big dictionary, but i think *nostalgia* is the correct form. nostalgia is by definition a *human* emotion, not necessary to specify

 =  Suggestions
kurt cnejevici
[19.Dec.03 23:12]
Human nostalgia can indeed touch you in many ways. You may want however to make the following changes:
It is suffers not “sufferes”, nostalgia not “nostalgy”, and probably giving birth to tears rather than tear-birth.

 =  ok
Miriam Cihodariu
[22.Dec.03 00:11]
thanks for the suggestions and for stopping by.

 =  Forget...
[20.Mar.06 09:42]
Forget the naysayers; I for one wholly enjoyed your poem.

All the best, Flavius B. Vlad

 =  well,
Miriam Cihodariu
[06.Apr.06 14:15]
thank you again for taking the time to see beneath the words.
See ya' around.

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