Comentariile membrilor:

 =  A little attention
Diana Pacuraru
[21.Jan.05 12:59]
This poem is nice, but you have some mistakes. "childrens" is spelled "children" and "were borned" is correctly "were born". The idea is good. Thank u for your comment. I'm glad you enjoy my poetry. Take care with your writing and be careful.

 =  Diana
Cristea Loredana
[21.Jan.05 17:05]
Thank you Diana for your comment and advices . I hope i`ll hear from you soon . Peace

 =  Welcome
Diana Pacuraru
[24.Jan.05 00:37]
You're welcome. I'm glad I could help.

 =  Authentic emotions
Edilberto González Trejos
[21.May.05 20:54]

You have a natural talent for writing. When we don´t write in our mother tongue, practice is what gives us mastery.
I speak Spanish myself, but I´ve been writing in English since I was 12.
Your poem did touch me from the start, and this is why I say you succeed as poetess, because you arise emotions on us readers, bravo!!!
With te practice you will polish a little roughness here and there... F.i. "sadest" is "saddest", no big deal Lory...
The core of your poem is appealing and I liked this poem a lot,



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