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 =  Going-living
Iuliana Ungureanu
[04.Dec.03 23:46]
There is no rythm in the last stanza, and "going" doesn't really rhyme with "living". In the first verse of the first stanza maybe you should replace "A picture I'd like to have with you" with " A picture I'd like to have of you".

 =  Even..
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[06.Jun.05 07:41]
An even poem its simple but still has the suggested themes, although there are some mistakes of using some words for enhancing the structure, in a way that it might came up to catch the interest of a reader, By the way it depends on your own english if you are using "American English" or "British English" as of me I am using the American English since it was the English that is being used all over my own Country.
ther are some difference between "American English" and "British english"

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