Members comments:

 =  an example for this world
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[03.Apr.05 17:28]
I believe you ment to say "who" instead of "how" in "and even those how hurt us"...
Ignoring this mistake, I found your text quite nice...
Pope John Paul II really was an exemple for all this world... God rest his soul!

 =  Thank you!
Adela-Adriana Moscu
[04.Apr.05 01:10]
Dear kind poet, Vasilescu Alvin Bastian : Thank you so very much for your vizit, your help and your support. All the very best now and always!

 =  correction!
Adela-Adriana Moscu
[04.Apr.05 01:12]
woops! I meant to write visit

 =  adela
corina dragomir
[04.Apr.05 01:28]
1).I can't make the difference: is this an epitaph or some engraving on a tombstone? whatever you may have thought of when you started writing it, stands out for a good example of humanity, compassion, solidarity.

2). why did you use CAPSOLOCK?

 =  typo
corina dragomir
[04.Apr.05 01:29]

 =  Corina, I do embrace your help!
Adela-Adriana Moscu
[04.Apr.05 02:21]
Dear kind poet, Corina Dragomir: I am grateful for your presence next to my words. They came out of a great passion for spirituality and the impact of this loss for the world. What is your suggestion for me now? I do embrace your help!

 =  adela, again
corina dragomir
[04.Apr.05 12:43]
this leads to the real problem with writing epitaphs for creation itself (think of Beckett’s *imagination dead imagine*): they can end up sounding so good that you feel better about creation, which you know is not the intent. To put it another way, if the poems measure up to their subject at all (see. the commercial aspect, due to the direct influence of television reports on Pope’s death, as if he were all of a sudden nothing but an object of worship similar to a bunch of bananas so much desired by a homeless/a hardly bearable sit., disgusting in my opinion) they prove that any epitaph is premature and call into question their own occasion. I’m sure HE will remain in everyone’s consciousness for his great achievements, especially for his role in bringing spirituality to its utmost values and depth in every corner of the world which he visited during his lifetime.

The point is, strict forms of poetry may seem confining, but if you can write a gorgeous sonnet or a clever villanelle, think how much better you'll be at free verse when you have no rules to confine you. like other abstract forms, such as sestina or even canzone, obsessive forms have structural formulae and set lengths. by becoming familiar with the elements of poetry, you'll be able to manipulate them more easily and improve your writing.

P.S. I was interested in your view upon this event but I got no straight answer from you. The capslock doesn't bother me at all as a reader. I don't know how others see this. above all, no matter the type of emotion (religious or...) must coexist with an ethetic principle and offer an immediate output after reading (literature, here), don't you think?
As the text says: *THE WHOLE WORLD WILL MOURN/THE MONTHS TO COME/* and probably T-shirts with his face are to pervade all markets in US, Italy etc.

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