Members comments:

 =  Heaven or hell
Edilberto González Trejos
[04.Jun.05 20:47]
In the verge of heaven and hell...
Great read and better write Josh


 =  I'm sorry to bring this up but..
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[06.Jun.05 03:49]
I appreaciate your comment but there is a mistake, as you can see you said that my text is about heaven or hell, but the explanation I want to give you is that My text titled Twilight Zone is more about being in a place that is so dark and gloomy that the coldness exists as there is no flame or light of hope, in which you had lost everything especially your essence to survive and perhaps you are lost for eternity on that obscurity and being lost forever which you cannot return to where you started from.

P.S If the night is ahead and the sun perhaps had disappeared as the coldness of the night is blowing us it may seem to be that we are in the dark age of our life, the coldness is with the darkness always, as of for me.

By the way thanks for your comment and I appreciate it
Thank you Again

Joshua Vasquez Butawan A.K.A death scythe

 =  It broadens my views
Edilberto González Trejos
[06.Jun.05 05:55]
Never mind Josh...
The poet`s mind is the only that knows deep inside.
We reader can only approach according our own views.
Your conclusion broadens my views towards your Poetry.
Thanks a lot!!!


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