Comentariile membrilor:

 =  ...deep sensation...
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[12.Jun.05 15:02]
'the unearthly bloom of dawn', 'bathing in light'...
pure images, deep sensations... love this 'star dust' you created here... Best wishes! ...Bastian...

 =  blushing dawns
Breazu Roxana Eugenia
[12.Jun.05 15:06]
wow...this was the last 15 minutes' inspiration...yeah...i like it too...I'm so glad you found the key words of this poem..:))
same to you!

 =  93
[13.Jun.05 09:50]
and the bloodbells chime

 =  ??
Breazu Roxana Eugenia
[13.Jun.05 09:53]
which means?
this is the most interesting comment by far...

 =  lyrics
[13.Jun.05 10:17]
"Sell all You have: give it to the kittens
And pour the milk on Louis' grave
And Catland, Sometimes Called Pussydom
Opens for You instantly-It's the Inmost light!
It's the Inmost Light
Somewhere over the rainbow
On the goodship Lollipop...
The Inmost Light
The Happy children rise all from their pools
Eyes still sealed
With mud and night
It's their Inmost Night
And yet still I wich I could dream as when young
As She came to me so young and honest
(Yet the bloodbells chime:
I do not notice them I shall not notice them
Yet the bloodbells chime)
Tommy Katkins still send his regards,
frozen for ever on some animal Somme.
The last thing on his mind is marriage,
But the call of Home and Heart
Yet the bloobells chime
Yet the bloobells chime
Yet the bloobells chime"

Current 93 - The Bloodbells Chime

 =  wow....
Breazu Roxana Eugenia
[13.Jun.05 10:25] it has no connection...does it?
because if it had...i don't know if i like the connection...

 =  ...
Breazu Roxana Eugenia
[13.Jun.05 10:27]
for this poem i like the bluebells better...

 =  All my love to you
Oana Blanaru
[16.Jun.05 16:24] beautiful as my darling sister

 =  Linger
Edilberto González Trejos
[18.Jun.05 20:55]
"A wingless soul, his precious part
Has pierced through me with might"

Such a powerful resolution to the whole point subject of the poem is seldom easy even in most crafted writer.
I reckon that and celebrate your "ars poetica".
Like POLICE´s Song I was
"trapped around your fingers"
and those fingers are a poem called ENFOLDED, this time.

Cheers Poetess,


 =  just a correction...
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[20.Jun.05 14:31]
Actually the song was called 'wrapped around your finger' -1983. All the best 2 all of you.

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