Comentariile membrilor:

 =  of mispelingz and other munsters
[11.Apr.06 11:35]
they dizect frogz not birdz. the dizsection of frogsz is sweeter bcause they gots crackin' skin. the sound is magnifickent.

 =  all hail
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[12.Apr.06 04:29]
zhe critic, iz brute juzt like zhe chef Tonberry..

 =  the old man and the frog
andreea l.
[12.Apr.06 09:02]
reminiscences from unattended biology classes
so old, so envious

 =  .
[14.Apr.06 07:33]
are you criticizing literary criticism? you critic of a poet you...:)

 =  we all get paid
Edilberto González Trejos
[29.Apr.06 15:15]
"we all get paid"
Paul Banks - PUBLIC PERVERT - Interpol.

sweat your pens
or face the blood
coming back to you



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