Members comments:

 =  Sacred-common
"Embarks his heavy body his still easy heart
and paddles on the tar sea in a silver boat
In a foreign language hears gods
invoking forgiveness’s songs"

This is a great verse, and the apple/worm figure is remarkable. You have a voice of your own, CAMELIA, sometimes philosophic other times tender, and many many times, kind of sad but always TRUE to yourself.
I celebrate that in all of your texts.

Salut poetess


 =  Edilberto
Heghedus Camelia
[18.Nov.06 01:17]
My God! Edilberto, your words impressed me so much! Thank you. I am so happy that you could perceive in this manner my poems. Maybe I cannot express myself very good, I am thrilled now, and I am not a knowing as regards English language. However, I found a lot of harmony, delicacy, and common sense on this English page of the site.
You are right, sadness is a great part of me, but I never should renounce to it. To celebrate something in my texts is also a great honor.
Thank you once again!

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