Members comments:

 =  "crimsoned mortality"...
Romulus Campan
[09.Jan.13 10:24]
Yeah, thoughts for an after NY's Eve, past year's inventory...
The title tells it all, that the NY is just another one to be repeated.
Beautiful last stanza: you are so right, we always lose in our game with time, nevertheless everything those blue eyes represent in it, makes it worth playing it again... Sam...
Also liked the emphasis given with "that" for the light, which if I take it to be the sunrise from previous lines, I should write a whole essay on your text:-)
Are you sure you didn't mean "puppy" instead of "pappy"?

With friendly respect,


 =  inventory
Dely Cristian Marian
[09.Jan.13 21:30]
Dear friend,
There should be a streak of irony regarding the name “Sam” without giving me a clue in your comment (or I couldn't see it). I have to say it made me look for its spirit.

I agree it is a shy inventory which reminds me the next may be likewise (I hope not).

About that light, take it as you wish, my friend. I'm interested in reading your essay (if you decide to write it), for I wish to gain knowledge about your point of interest, whether it has something to do with my own or nor.

At last, certainly "pappy" was a mistake, and I thank you for telling me.

Godspeed you,

 =  "Casablanca"-"play it again, Sam..."
Romulus Campan
[09.Jan.13 22:46]
Dear Friend,

No irony at all, trust me:-))
Two things I heavily disciplined myself against: one is physical retaliation, of which I had twice a try about 35 years ago (never after) and it ended up very bad for the grounded parts;-), the other one being irony/sarcasm of which I made myself quite a name about 25 years ago when I wrote, acted and directed smaller satirical plays, amongst other stage genres, and I promissed myself never to practice it on friends, not even enemies, because of the sharpness of it...
The "Sam" thing has to be taken with the previous "playing it again", being together just a flashed in, autonomous "Casablanca" thought...
My mind is like a wild carousel living its own independence sometimes:-))

I hope to have clarified myself.

With the same friendly respect,


 =  surprising!
Dely Cristian Marian
[10.Jan.13 23:56]
Well well well, you are surprising :)
I think it had to be easy to have disciplined yourself the way you did against physical retaliation (to nurture bad feelings is like already thrown one's self in a cage). I also think you ditched The Army, too :)
As for irony/sarcasm, I know from experience it isn't such an easy task to get rid of, and I almost envy you, positively.

“play it again, Sam...” - it never crossed my mind it was about a reply used in a movie - probably I was too young to "Casablanca" to remember it. (I should see it again to get it right)

Thank you for everything,

 =  ammunition:-))
Romulus Campan
[11.Jan.13 00:53]
Dear Friend,

As I learned and watched recently the sentence is just "play it, Sam", but as it's been repeated a few times, it may have had people thinking of it with a subliminal "again"...
The movie is a classic, you'll probably love it.
You are very kind, and I truly appreciate your open spirit...
I haven't ditched the army, won't you believe:-))
And just to add cream on the cake, could you imagine how hard it was not to retaliate for 18 months while being in active duty with 30 bullets in my weapon and 30 on my belt, nearly every day, actually roaming around:-)))?

Have a great evening (night:-)


 =  *
Dely Cristian Marian
[12.Jan.13 00:23]
Dear friend,

Active duty, you say: in this new light I guess you didn't scatter all your bullets... just because you felt a tickle:) - I'm joking, of course. Nevertheless, I hope you had no reason to shoot at someone.

Well, I see your point now... Frank... and I feel nostalgic. The world will always welcome lovers...

About irony again, I practice it on me from time to time. So, I have a hunch that I'll never get to be really happy.

Best wishes,

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