Comentariile membrilor:

 =  niceeeee!
Marius Surleac
[16.Jul.08 21:05]
Nice words Lynn. You are perfectly true about. We can make a better world. So, dream on!

Well said!


 =  thanks
Lynn West
[17.Jul.08 02:19]
thank you very much - sometimes it only takes a few words to turn someones day around... I am thankful to be able to put them to pen, and to read the words of so many wonderful people here.

 =  ?
dan marius
[17.Jul.08 17:43]
yes yes we can make a better world. but will we?

 =  let's do
Lynn West
[17.Jul.08 19:23]
wiil we? well, that is up to us, right? I vote yes!

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