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 =  Beyond the rhyme
your text speaks from the heart. I would recommend nevertheless, exploring more the depths which elevatate a text into the realms of poetry, beyond the rhyme which you have concentrated on.


 =  thank you
Ionel Movila
[18.Jun.24 20:40]
yes that is true, i did try to concentrate on the rhyme, but on the feelings to, it might not be the best work out there, but English it is not my native language, so forgive me, and thank you

 =  nothing to forgive Ionel
Ionel, there's absolutely nothing to forgive.
You are writing from the heart, you have obvious talent, what you need is reading more English poetry and get accustomed with writing English poetry, which is only a matter of development.
I am following you with much interest, and am here to support your progress.


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