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 =  It's me again
Monica Manolachi
[31.Jan.05 11:13]
Your questions you ask in the poem are enough for me to see that your hands turn somehow in little boughs of the sandalwood tree. Now more than ever. I'm happy that you are alive after tsunami...

"Who will keep you holy spirit?
Who will write down you name
in the book of testament with ink of gold?"

is probably

"Who will keep your holy spirit?
Who will write down your name
in the book of testament with ink of gold?"


"Who will keep you, holy spirit?
Who will write down you, name,
in the book of testament with ink of gold?"

 =  Mult'umesc, Monica!
Yohanes Manhitu
[03.Feb.05 18:02]
Thanks a lot, Monica. It is very kind of you to have noticed it. Missing ‘r’ in the word ‘you’ was a slip of finger tip. You see, I have put the ‘r’. I will try to be more careful when writing. Just have a nice day!

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