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 =  interesting poem
Luminita Suse
[27.Jan.05 04:23]
The title reminds me about a book I read recently. Did you hear about "Song of Kali" by Dan Simmons? "He" could be "she" if this evil song was about Kali.

 =  Order
Diana Pacuraru
[30.Jan.05 21:44]
This poem makes my imagination work...I don't know, maybe because I just watched AVP. But it's about evil...such an obvious evil...when the pure evil is the one that looks so common and so frail. I like that you put "he", in the shadow, somewhere, ordering.

 =  funny, he'll say..
Luminita Baboianu
[03.Apr.05 13:53]
I read evil song the same day that I died...
The one that killed me should sing this song forever and ever... 'coz he praise Jah while doing it.

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