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 =  About time
Monica Manolachi
[21.Mar.05 14:11]
Johnny, I see that every story - no matter if it has a happy or a sad end - is written or read by somebody with a hope in mind. For me, sad ends have the power to transmit great ideas. In your poem, I enjoyed the notion of time imprinted in pages of a book, but flowing as a never-ending river. I also think that it is us what we write about, even when we speak about somebody else.

 =  Thanks a lot for these words!
Yohanes Manhitu
[21.Mar.05 20:03]
Monica, I think you're right when saying 'it is us what we write about, even when we speak about somebody else'. I like these words. We can also see ourselves by looking at other people. So, Monica, it's possible that to know ourselves much better, we should know other people better.

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