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 =  simple and nice
Luminita Suse
[26.Mar.05 04:55]
There is a pleasant rhythm in this piece, and there is an imperfect rhyme which also sounds enjoyable for me. What wonders is telling us about a... camel!
You did not have to specify its gender but I guess the third verse would have sounded awkward to start and end with "it".
Anyway, it was a delight to read it.

 =  The camel and me
Monica Manolachi
[29.Mar.05 23:10]
Luminita, thank you for your words and for turning on the light. Well, "it" would have sounded too impersonal. I was somewhere on the camel, by the camel, in front of it... :) I had to choose a "she". Thanks again for your support.

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