Comentariile membrilor:

 =  your soul is in your smile
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[02.Apr.05 18:37]
You will not find your soul in your chest, but in "every breath you take, every move you make..."...
You will find it in your smile, in your dreams... (you know better...)
Don't make holes in your chest! :)
Good luck!

 =  It's my chest too
Monica Manolachi
[02.Apr.05 20:37]
See that the poem is a follow-up from a poem by Lucian Muşeţ. I could very well say that translating it was just an exercise to me. Nevertheless I found interesting the idea of a hole in the chest, even if it is quite simple in expressing a search for the self. You’re always welcome, Alvin!

 =  .
Monica Manolachi
[02.Apr.05 20:43]
of a poem

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