Comentariile membrilor:

 =  congratulations
[20.Apr.05 17:15]
magnificent! i'd give you a thousand stars.

 =  Refreshing
Alisdaire O\'Caoimph
[20.Apr.05 22:19]
Wonderful read, I like your style its very refreshing and impressionable.. well done mate and thank you for the kind words on mine.. Slainte Alisdaire

 =  Image
raj thampi
[21.Apr.05 11:59]
Which camera you used Corina? :) Salut from the land of deserts & tired footprint seekers.

 =  Good job
Diana Pacuraru
[21.Apr.05 20:34]
In the abyss of boredom and nothingness, this poem caught my eye...not only because of its interesting graphics, but because of its words. Good job. Is the future going to be ripped by everyone...?

 =  repertoire of wings-beauty ful
adriana anusca
[07.May.05 15:14]
I guess you have a very impressionable visual memory, I was also impressed by your poem's (dark) vision; I liked the images:'to bargain the nipples', 'hedgehogs/take a queen in custody' and some more; it looks like an experimental poem, still the symphony is aloud, 'lock lips/ bend the long fiddlestick', 'refract(ed) fear'.

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