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 =  nice advice
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[20.May.05 19:41]
Good advices... Not everyone trusts them, but, more or less, they are good advices...
But I would like to add something. 'Be friendly' 'Be friendly' 'Be friendly', yes 'Be friendly, but not too friendly!' Others may take you as a stupid person...
(depending on who those 'others' are, of course...)
Best wishes! ...Bastian...

 =  is how you act and react -Bastian
Nancy M. Popa
[21.May.05 21:09]
Thanks a lot Bastian.
Yes, I agree with what you say.Often ,when you allow people too manz things ,they think they are intitled to do anything as they please ,and they take you for a fool.
And as you said,depends on who those others are.
I think that we all come to one cross road in our lives when we see who are those that deserve to be near us,with us.
But you know,is easier to gain enemies than
And about enemies...well,as long as you don't act like them or as thez expect,you'll win them over.
Take care.
All the best.

 =  hello again
Grosu Luiza-Oana
[21.May.05 04:28]
i like most the final verse: "just be". the text is better than your essay. here you succeed on expressing the idea of being your self.
just one suggestion. I believe that the final would sound better this way: "be the way you like/ be yourself/ just be". don't you think so?

 =  hm..well...
Nancy M. Popa
[21.May.05 21:08]
Thanks again ,Luiza.Is a funny thing you know.During the university ,my strong..feature..(is too late and I won't find the word I m looking up anyway).About the ending...I think I'll just leave it like that,or I'll be advertising for B.U. :)))) (sorry I can't help it :D )
Take care.I've got my eyes on you also ;).

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