Comentariile membrilor:

 = may sound like a telegram....
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[20.May.05 19:47]
...we all wonder...
Good poem!
Liked that 'jazz armor'...
Keep it on!...

 =  words in a file
Grosu Luiza-Oana
[21.May.05 03:08]
you are right! “this machine will not communicate”. it is understandable if these are the words of a machine.

 =  Rhythm
Edilberto González Trejos
[21.May.05 03:21]
Text full of rhythm and as Jazz fan myself, I celebrate and applaude this creation of yours...!
Write on


 =  ok computer
[23.May.05 09:39]
"This machine will, will not communicate
These thoughts and the strain i am under
Be a world child, form a circle
Before we all go under
And fade out and fade out again"

radiohead - street spirit

 =  something original
Nancy M. Popa
[29.May.05 17:41]
Thanks for the poem.Is differnt from what I've read.Bastian and Edilberto said it best,got the idea well,so I'm speechless right now.I don't know what can I say that hasn't been said,except the fact that is: ORIGINAL.
Nice one.
Good luck and all the best.

 =  come in
[31.May.05 17:25]
welcome my friend, welcome to the machine

 =  And i ,who thought it was the matrix
Nancy M. Popa
[04.Jun.05 01:52]
You are welcome-I think those lines are addressesed to me, if not,sorry :D-.
But we already live in a machine/matrix.Few are those who have an attitude and dare to do something.
see you at the next poem ;)
Take care.

 =  let down
Sigartau Alex
[02.Jun.05 00:13]
Dan, you're reafirming yourself as one of the best english-writing poets on this website. I could be so bold as to say that you are providing one of the best pieces of post modern poetry I have read.
Anyway, your original sense of poetry never ceases to amaze me.
All my best wishes to you!

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