Comentariile membrilor:

 = and my comment...
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[23.May.05 13:29]
Loved it!A vortex of feelings, one wrapped inside another...
Beatiful expressions, nice manner of uniting the mind with the flesh and the love with...the love...all for realising a greater sinergy of divine sentiments... Keep it on!
Best wishes! ...Bastian...

 =  thanks!
scorus ilinca
[25.May.05 04:42]
first i thought it will look like a 10 years old wrote it...then i liked it was me and my feeling....
waiting for your comments! ;)

 =  Interesting
Diana Pacuraru
[02.Jun.05 22:13]
Another poem I enjoyed reading. Interesting images and visions of love, I liked it.

 =  Falling into you
raj thampi
[04.Jun.05 14:39]
the beauty reminds me celine singing "falling into you". beautiful poem, and nice to see the feelings of love narrated with such a flow. all the best

 =  2 in 1
Nancy M. Popa
[10.Jun.05 04:53] Such beautiful images.And ...images :)
"A tiny leaf is falling easily drifted by the thought
It falls into my being like a huge, heavy rock"
"I want to paint my soul all over your body
I want you to grave your history on my skin"
So much desire, so much love...passion and all the intense feelings.
Well done Ilinca.
Keep it up.
All the best and good luck.
I 'll be reading you ;)

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