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 =  ...about appreciating 'the essence'...
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[28.May.05 19:03]
A mixture of sentiments, but one just pops up again and again: regret... Something that was..., something that will never be again... Poem which brings out the fact that knowing someone 'from the outside' doesn't mean knowing 'from the inside'... Many of us, nowadays, are used to appreciate a person by 'skin' (if you know what I mean), not by soul's core... Sad picture! We should capture 'the essence', like you mentioned, more often...
Best wishes! ...Bastian...

 =  Bastian, you seem to know my soul so well
Nancy M. Popa
[29.May.05 17:40]
What can I say?You've already saw what it had to be seen.The regret apperaes because the other person is not able to see what is important.
Is sad to see that there's so much superficiality.
Thanks for understanding me so well.
Take care.
All the best

 =  mea culpa
Nancy M. Popa
[30.May.05 19:59]
appeares instead of apperaes..sorry :D

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