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 =  shying away
Veronica Valeanu
[05.May.10 20:36]
it's remarkable how you got a focus on de-focusing here, this controlled calling out for human touch. it's as if you wrote down an echo.

smth I found not to be so well-built:[your jumping heart was hitting
your legs in waves because of a mere falsetto]


 =  Veronica,
Monica Manolachi
[05.May.10 22:19]

Thank you for your feed-back. What I mean – and I detailed below the Romanian version too – is a complex vision of the artist having to fight his/her own emotions (“jumping heart”) in order to keep “the legs” of (in this case) poetry stable and make it walk alone, “with no falsettos”. It is a combination between two physical sensations: that felt when you are overwhelmed with emotion, so that you blush, lose balance, lose control, everything, and you forget even your name, and that felt when big waves (of the sea) hit your legs and threaten to destabilize. If my clarification is not enough, I will think about a reformulation.

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