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 =  slow
Veronica Valeanu
[15.Sep.10 10:47]
i know that you like writing texts with short lines, collision impact and great rhythm, but this is a softer one and longer sequences could work out just fine
such as
There are times when you find laughter through the tears,
when memories and ties that bind
forge you on, a new dawning
Treasured moments spent in the circle of family, to be
held in your heart forevermore a bridge of blessings,
"stone" by precious stone
Counted blessings with every skinned knee and "kiss and make it better"

Days when you know there are angels in your midst just
by holding a little hand or sitting
quietly with an elder, whose wise eyes speak volumes
even when the words can no longer form on their

We can walk through
life dismissing these tiny treasures in life's chest
ignoring our "crest"
or we can choose to celebrate them

my suggestion at a slower pace also removed several understatements in your original text.

 =  thanks
Lynn West
[15.Sep.10 20:45]
thank you for your input

 =  Conclusion
Sarang Hae
[01.Jan.11 18:49]
I like your last line, concludes the whole poem nicely!

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