Comentariile membrilor:

 =  no and no again
Veronica Valeanu
[27.Nov.10 16:05]
KKS, this is not a poem, it's a thinking process. the first part seems to be Hegel's shart-version agenda, the second is a glam poster with a poor spectacle to offer.
when it comes to the semantic part, there are other prb. keep to the rule: first the subject then the predicate.
i decided to keep this text here and not in the workshop because it could be a thread to smth simple and interesting, moreover, it could become smth alive. if you want this too.

 =  Guide pl.
Kuldeep Kumar Srivastava
[27.Nov.10 18:23]
I bow. Agreed. Will try to amend. Need guidence.


 =  .
Veronica Valeanu
[28.Nov.10 12:35]
my only advice is to render the concepts through smth real that could denote a concept.

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