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+ Homage
Edilberto González Trejos
[10.Sep.05 17:15]
Dear Monica,
This is an awesome homage to a place so dear to me.
South U.S.A. is similar to my beloved Caribbean!
And now, how many dead people must we count in order to make U.S.A. rulers wake up from their bad dope?
Thanks for the Blues, the water lilies, the Jazz, the Cajun in my dear Bayou,


 =  enchantment
Monica Manolachi
[12.Sep.05 10:40]
Thank you, Songo, for your words and for the light! I couldn't help myself from writing a poem about NO... when I saw what happened. For a year now I have been in many ways exposed to the culture of NO and I was sorry to find about the tornado and the flood. I wrote this as an enchantment for bringing the past beauty of this city to the present...

 =  Monica
Edilberto González Trejos
[23.Sep.05 01:37]
Cheers Monica...
I will keep on reading your posts on African American Novel.
Best to you,


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