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 =  .
Veronica Vãleanu
[30.Jan.12 09:57]
correct here:
-matches my fidelity
-the monkey confessed
Quite an interesting melting pot, it's as if we were to assist to the arrival of a rehashed Messiah.

 =  ,
Elena Malec
[30.Jan.12 22:40]

 =  Ai-ai-ai...isha , forgive my stutter :)
dan zafir
[31.Jan.12 11:52]
Beautiful form, exquisitelly romantic scenery... slight repetitions are a favorite style of mine as well, however, allow me to suggest a more equative argumentation from the animal spirit guides.
All animals presented their spiritual side, yet the fish's side was much more elaborate by having been enhanced thru the incantation of a whole prayer. In all fairness, one respectfully suggests that all spirit guides be allowed to recite at least one verse from their sacred texts.
One can't help but notice a stronger inclination towards Christianity, which takes away from the balance in the logic of this here piece. Btw, how does one award a star to a certain text? I'm but a humble newbie that knows not... :)

 =  !
Elena Malec
[31.Jan.12 22:29]
thanks for the comment and thought,Dan.If you don't see a + under the comment box then your level on Agonia does not provide for recommending texts.

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Înapoi !