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+ Updating
John Willy Kopperud
[03.Dec.12 11:01]
Orwells spirit! I particularly enjoyed the last stanza, containing "The Party's got talent." Nice work!
Cheers from willy

 =  Re. To Willy with gratitude...
Romulus Campan Maramuresanu
[03.Dec.12 11:36]
Dear Willy,

Thank you very much for your kind words and the star...
Times have been rather roughly moulding my understanding of life and It's unfolding tragedies. I see more and better now, even though I wish there would be nothing to understand.
I am glad you noticed that I am "updating" issues which have been written before by somewhat another rcm.
Your "keeping an eye" on my work deeply honours me.

With true friendship and respect,


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