Comentariile membrilor:

+ "fragments of steam..."
Romulus Campan
[05.Jan.13 11:59]
Hi Attila,

I am so very glad to have read your poem! Beautiful, with all ingredients present to make it a lasting heartbeat for the many who still enjoy this meaningful style! The central thought/question makes the whole poem returning like tide, refreshing one's shores...
A very warm welcome (even if this is your second post:-), and I am truly looking forward for more!
Just as a thought, I was born in Northern Transylvania, and lived in Hungary for two decades, thinking that the name Attila is used only by Hungarians, but I see now being used in Turkey as well! Actually I have discovered that one o the closest language relative of Hungarian is Turkish, with its many ü and ö sounds!

Wishing you and your loved ones a very Happy and successful New Year!


 =  title and a bit more...
Romulus Campan
[05.Jan.13 15:48]
Hi Attila,

You don't need to put the title in your text's body, as it appears as a large, top title.
Also please enjoy commenting at a "lighter" level:-))

All the best!


 =  Love, wine and tobacco-
John Willy Kopperud
[05.Jan.13 16:05]
what should we do without them and the clouds that surround them? A very nice piece indeed.
Cheers from Willy

 =  New, again, renew
Attila Elustun
[06.Jan.13 23:17]

Dear Romulus
Thank you for your valuable comment, and a bit exaggerated. When it comes to my poetry which is described as the Free Style one study led by Nazım Hikmet. If you ask me why? Without being bound to measure, rhyme and rhymes written of a kind. That you have also observed for this kind of study/work, the poets and writers of that period have started a New Stream of literature was called 1st Strange then current, Orhan Veli 2nd New Cemal Süreyya, Can Yücel, Arif Damar, Ahmet Arif, and so continued.In this Free Style the importance is also given to the short-stories.

In this movement I am experimenting something new. Mainly I'm trying short-story poetry.
New, again, renew.

 =  my heart is the lead role!
Attila Elustun
[06.Jan.13 23:26]
Dear John Willy
I will not be making any comments for love. But I think wine, tobacco, and the clouds are the figurants in my short-story poems. My pen and my paper is the character actor and my heart is the lead role.
Thanks for your valuable comment


 =  "the democracy of reading..."
Romulus Campan
[07.Jan.13 10:41]
Hi Attila,

Thank you very much for introducing me to a world of poetry I wasn't at all aware of. As time would allow today, I'll do a search on the authors you suggested and read what's available. Unfortunately not even Romanians who should be in their hearts closer to Turkey, have taught us much about Turkish literature, except for bits of history, mainly medieval but also about Kemal Atatürk, about whom they didn't even tell us of being a writer as well...
About me "exaggerating", well, it's not the first time I am explaining myself, but just to make sure you yourself understand something which is in my nature, and I don't plan changing it:-), my style of commenting is not the classical, school-type of mostly tasteless,odourless and heartless analysis of texts, but small acts of creation, in which I write down the "new music" created on the strings of my heart by the words written by contributors to this site. I "work" on my comments as much as I work on my texts, sometimes even turning them into texts, because I like so much the end product:-))
So it is actually the quality of the author's text doing most of the job, even if they may think less of their own writing...
Or to put as Philip Pullman, "I believe in the democracy of reading!"
Looking forward to reading you again!

All the best,


 =  On Nazim Hikmet...
Romulus Campan
[07.Jan.13 16:09]
Hi Attlia,

I have spent my morning's bits of free time reading and learning about Nazim Hikmet, and I am very impressed... Also some of his poems are wonderful...
There are so many things in common to what he stood for and what I believe in.

The rest I wrote in a short essay.

Thank you very much for introducing me to a writer worth reading.


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