Members comments:

 =  .
Veronica Vãleanu
[17.Jan.13 14:49]
I really liked the ending:[I don't know, but if you've got the privilege of holding with your mortal lips a Cuban cigar, never forget asking for the fire...] |

-yet, I'm not sure whether you meant [never forget to ask for the fire]= action or [never forget asking...] meaning [that you have asked]=fact
maybe it could work both ways

what I liked less: the rhetorical question [What do I understand by limitations? Well, " - because of the tone you are forced to use in that point

there is a typo here [any of it's two giants]

 =  corrected...
Romulus Campan
[17.Jan.13 16:39]
Oh, how I hate my iPad living its own proof-reading life... It auto-corrects what I haven't asked for... A nuisance...

Thank you, I've corrected the typo.


 =  Thank you Eugenia...
Romulus Campan
[19.Jan.13 18:26]
Thank you Nia,

Your recommendation is truly appreciated:-))


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