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+ melted feelings...
Romulus Campan
[06.Feb.13 21:52]
Hi Raj,

Why is it so hard trying to explain why poetry is so hard explaining...
Images and sounds blending into sometimes different tunes carrying though identical meanings...
Love poems are so much more complicated, because how could anyone feel into someone else's feelings without being guilty of involuntary adultery?
As I am getting older by the side of the woman who helped me remain sane in a mad world, love has turned to have a different meaning: exactly that which you caught in its monumental simplicity, in the melting of a candle...
Lovers are candles, the wax and the wick glowing, burning, melting for each other, while giving light to this darkness... And when time has come, they go up together in a short smoke's breath...
Winter's just a silent witness for inside turned telescopes...

Thank you Raj, for suffering us to look bit through your glasses... When it comes to love, we are all, painfully short-sighted...

I hope my humble star could add just bit to your poem's glow.


 =  candles, melting
raj thampi
[07.Feb.13 05:05]
Hi rc

Thanks once again, you are very kind. Many times looking inside self is not a pleasant experience :) You don't find yourself at all anywhere. I wanted to use "pink glasses" in the place of short-sight, however realized there is a great distance yet between red and pink.

Yes, in my case candles will always melt, and my reading is indefinite.

* is appreciated

 =  two-faces heart
Bodea Diana Mihaela
[08.Feb.13 23:47]
Hello, Raj. I have read your poems, this one and ha-ha and I have found the almost perfect expressions of the two-face heart of love, the sarcastic one and the melting one. I felt your poem as a complete picture of your soul and somehow, I do not know why, after I read them I thought of a song - old habits die hard. Both poems are nice and I believe that they hide a strong will and pride too often tried out in the fire of life.

 =  wasted candles
raj thampi
[09.Feb.13 11:44]
Hi bdm :)

reading is a conscious process, ignoring the melting candle :)

Love takes strange shapes at a certain point of time, for me the line left between two stanza says a lot, a lot about the wastefulness of sacrifices and other adjustments we make, for the sake of IT.

Candles are so much wasted, throughout. Thanks for your comment. I am yet to read your other works. I will and get back to you.


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