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+ to my fellow dragon slayer...
Romulus Campan
[07.Feb.13 14:48]
My dear Raj,

I cannot but notice that sharp irony doesn't grow far from the walls of your "under construction" many castles:-)
I would rather have you over my table in Iasi amongst pints, than over a fence in a knightly tournament:-)
You master well my fellow Knight the rules of literary irony, which is a most welcome balance to your other, melting side...
I do not know how far shall I go with my praise, of fear to have you fall over the walls of your temporarily castle-replacement tin can, because of the too many feathers I am adorning with, your noble helmet, but I would say this is genial little satire of a very versatile writer!

Would that suffice for a while:-)?


 =  Iasi, wine and your pints
raj thampi
[07.Feb.13 21:54]
Aww don't spoil me too often rc :)
While we were growing up, were taught about great performers, shouting against certain kind of injustice within the society through different kind of art forms. Mine was a humble effort against something. I hope the link attached will not be removed (towards one of the greatest performers)

I was 28 when I tasted first sip of wine, that was also from Iasi. I remembering going to a wine factory on a sunday, getting couple of bottles through the "backdoor", not very far from Iasi.

Now, I wonder how the pints would taste :), Generally I am afraid of alcoholic drinks *smiles*

 =  Copou...
Romulus Campan
[07.Feb.13 22:50]
Phew... I'am alive!

Aw, no spoiling Raj, just a humble acknowledgment of the seen reality!
Unfortunately and regardless of my present size, I've been a book mole in my childhood, having to develop other senses and qualities than those of my physically luckier mates:-) But for some reason my favourite toy was the sword...
And you may want to know that I've had part of my military service in Iasi, up in Copou, and of course the Sorogari valley, horrible memories:-)
I'm not a fan of Moldavian wines, they are too dry like most Romanian wines, except for the Dobrogean Muscat Ottonel and some semi-dry sorts from Oltenia...
As for the pints, lol, they are the imperial measurement units British use for beer also any liquids, so they could taste of whatever poured in them:-)

I'm with you at staying at some distance from alcohol... Cunning snake it is...


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