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+ loved it
Mihaela Chiricã
[05.Apr.13 01:41]
There were several things that I loved about your poem. First, I should mention the tone and the constant feeling that something which was once warmed by life, is now getting colder and colder, just as the season changes from autumn to winter. It could be a feeling, a passion, a hope, but together with this changing of seasons comes the process of personal transformation vs acceptance ("poppies clotted in her veins into fossils of the past").

Totally liked "the limbs of the rain/hanging from metallic bridges" as "trophies", and the state of mind of absolute stillness in the present, which sets a beautiful contrast with sprinkled elements of colour and motion (poppies, explosion)from an undefined past.

I personally believe that the process of healing has a stage of dynamic and a stage of stillness (where nothing moves you anymore) and that you have depicted the second one beautifully.

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