Comentariile membrilor:

+ no mess
Dely Cristian Marian
[24.Jun.13 17:28]
Hi, Paul! The construction of your poetry is smooth and very incisive. I like it.
It goes for a clean cheap boom, „without disturbing the neighbors” and so by-the-book.

Nevertheless, something is burning... perhaps this star.


 =  #
Paul Gabriel Sandu
[24.Jun.13 20:20]
Thanks, Cristian! I'm glad you liked it.

 =  ...
Anca True
[27.Jul.14 10:15]
Whenever I read one of your poems (no matter if it's the boy with the blue whale, the ways of starting all over, or any others), I found myself, a little, or a little more, in your lyrics... For me, this is a sign of true poetry.
So, I allow myself to take parts of your poems with me, that's how much I like them.

After this wish list, I remained with the same strange feeling...

It's a pleasure to read you, always and every time, Paul.

 =  *
Paul Gabriel Sandu
[28.Jul.14 20:36]
Thank you, Anca,
its very nice of you to say that, since this means we are not confined in ourselves, but open to others. And i think that a poem is a privileged way to open yourself to the others, to not be alone anymore..

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