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 =  Like a lifeless corpse
Dana Muºat
[01.Nov.05 03:25]
I liked the first part of your poem:
"Glass shards
Buoyant on the dusk
Like a lifeless corpse
On the middle of nowhere."

I don't want to say that the other part isn't good, but i think the first one is better. I liked it most.

 =  Interesting..
Ianosi Andrada
[04.Nov.05 15:48]
I have to agree with Dana. The first part is the best... "lifeless corpse" definetly got my attention :)

Best wishes,

 =  The true *Prism in the Middle*
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[04.Nov.05 15:44]
I appreciate your comment! but

The 2nd one is connected to the first, the solemn shards floating in darkness, until the sun shines and give light that turned these goblet shell in to prism that gives off rainbow colors! so alluring to the eye!
just kinda telling the truth!

 =  Question
Luminita Suse
[04.Nov.05 15:53]
Isn't "lifeless corpse" a tautology?

 =  Answer to Ms. Luminita
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[05.Nov.05 03:41]
Prism In the Middle (Tautology)

yeah its the repetition of the first one, and so as the goblet shells. Two things, the same meaning different in words and spelling and so as distinct in approach, yet for sure it points out one thing, they collaborate to show one thing in common!

 =  .
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[05.Nov.05 08:06]
Those who don't notice it, might grab as well the wrong idea!

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