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 =  The metaphore
Edilberto González Trejos
[10.Nov.05 21:11]
I really liked the metaphore in this poem, Romulus.
Well-built images through which you have transmitted POETRY.
I have already read 2 of your works and it has been a positive experience.
Write on


 =  painful melancholy
Monica David
[01.Mar.08 22:12]
There so much melancholy in this poem and so deep feelings. Very well written.
The memorries are there, inside.

 =  multimple logics...
Marius Surleac
[17.Apr.08 15:09]
The poem has sharp images, beautiful ones and the rhymes make the flow of information to be easier.
Indeed is painful, the pain felt by Jesus in front of the god on the hill where he was crucified, to the hill where the cross was carried. The rose from the text has a lot of significance as proving the thorns for the crown of Jesus, the leaves used for treatment, a kind of love and there's also a Mediterranean plain.
I don't know too much about, but hope that you can give us a more clear explanation of the basic idea of the poem.
Thank you Romulus!

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