Los comentarios de los miembros:

 =  Hunger commando
Edilberto González Trejos
[13.Mar.06 17:29]
Chewing an old anguish, all out of hope and faith... coming down the mountains, facing their ancient death, refusing to an improbable future.

Remarkable lines CORINA


 =  .
corina dragomir
[10.Apr.06 12:32]
then we began chewing our burgers for the sake of our excessively nationalist mode of being. thx, edilberto.

 =  we all live in america
felix nicolau
[21.Apr.06 14:22]
I still muse whether you are a Marxist, a Muslim or a Jew, I mean Fidelcastrian. But i was impressed with the force of this poem, and not only politically. What's "pesociety"?

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