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 =  Very sad, sensitiv words.
Sydney Krivenko
[31.Aug.07 18:26]
Very sad, I am sorry to read this. I hope there was no suffering involved. Very sensitiv. Should I say it is a good poem? I don't know considering the subject. I would rather not comment on the style in this context. Let's say, I like your wording and comparisons and your courage to share such a sad occasion. I hope it is not too fresh in your mind.

 =  Christmas 1991
John Willy Kopperud
[01.Sep.07 00:11] fact, Sydney, this happened at Christmas 91. It was necessary to put quite a few years between his passing away and me writing this poem. Anyway; feelings connected to personal loss are so deep that anyone who writes eventually will have to deal with them.

Thank you very much for your comment!

 =  love & control
Edilberto González Trejos
[01.Sep.07 16:27]
"How much love & control
must there be in a Home"...

Love to our beloved, control not to break us down. We are slowly consumed yet love somehow keeps us standing.
Touching lines yet a serene reflection!


 =  Precisely so
John Willy Kopperud
[01.Sep.07 17:59]

Brilliant comment, Edilberto! And heart-warming as I once
again look back on that bereaving Christmas.

Your friend Willy

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