Comentariile membrilor:

 =  thanks dani.
Christopher Thripp
[24.Mar.08 18:10]
yes we are.

 =  !!!
Marius Surleac
[17.Apr.08 14:20]
Daniela, my opinion is that you should try to improve the text to look more like a haiku.
My suggestion would be something like that:
"I’ve ended myself -
the wish for the start is lost
at the sunset’s frame".
Try to put new ideas and tide the stanzas together.
Hope the text will get out from the Workshop!

 =  ......
Daniela Voicu
[29.Apr.08 16:56]
my opinion ..its to live me alone...marius

 =  ....
Daniela Voicu
[29.Apr.08 16:56]
to leave ... yeh right

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