Comentariile membrilor:

 =  cheers chris
Christopher Thripp
[25.Mar.08 20:05]
one comment marius you second verse should read bent not bend...great work:)

 =  cheers marius
Christopher Thripp
[26.Mar.08 02:00]
now it reads nice....

 =  thank you friend...
Marius Surleac
[26.Mar.08 09:17]
Sorry for the mistake. Thank you Chris for your advice and thanks for the comment. Cheers and have a nice day!

 =  smart, luminous
Edilberto González Trejos
[01.Apr.08 08:18]
Simply SMART, man!

Sometimes poets beat around the foliage, some other times they are too obvous, "amigo", this is balance"


 =  Thank you Songo...
Marius Surleac
[04.Apr.08 15:13]
Sorry for the delay my friend but now I'm back and thank you very much for your kind comment and you're perfectly right.
I appreciate it!
Cheers Songo!

 =  Great!
Lynn West
[08.Apr.08 07:04]
I like this one very much!

 =  thank you Lynn...
Marius Surleac
[08.Apr.08 10:05]
thank you Lynn!
I appreciate!

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