Comentariile membrilor:

 =  ..................
Daniel Lacatus
[08.Apr.08 19:59]
Your lettering transmits a lot of feelings! You words give me desire to jump ... of particle and universe to uncover...

 =  thanks.
Christopher Thripp
[08.Apr.08 04:15]
great idea joshua i enjoyed this.

 =  thnx chris
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[08.Apr.08 13:41]
thnx for giving time towards my poetry, glad that U Liked it


 =  cheers.
Christopher Thripp
[08.Apr.08 13:58]
you write my friend my pleasure to read...

 =  ............
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[09.Apr.08 04:45]
thnx daniel, glad that my poetry make u feel the same way on how i feel it before, thanx my frined

 =  Good poem, I liked.
Daniel Lacatus
[19.Apr.08 10:35]
You words give me desire to jump ... of particle and universe to uncover... To have wings is important and to be able to move them, moreover ... beautiful poem

 =  It was a pleasure.
Bogdan G. Marin
[21.Apr.08 15:51]
The drizzle of words fallen in my heart, forming a sea raging with delight.

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