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 =  Bogdan!
John Willy Kopperud
[02.May.08 11:39]

You declare yourself to be free in an economic sense. What
does that imply? Are you "economaally independent" and thus not required to work for a living, or did you simply not describe your personal situation accurately enough to be understood?
You claim that the lowering of taxes is an important tool
for a society confronted with such problems as Romania is.
On your bio I havew observed that you're still in the beginning of your twenties. How can you have attained a background for these statements about national economy?
I know I'm sticking my head out here, since I'm a foreigner from another european region, but:
From what I've read about your country, you do have severe
problems with poverty among certain strata of the population. Lowered taxes would mean lesser income for the
state. How is the Romanian state to deal with this problem
when the funds are cut?
Cheers from Willy, who's looking forward to a couple of

 =  Dear Willy,
Bogdan G. Marin
[02.May.08 12:48]
Privatization, this means to be free in an economic sense. Nationalization means the other way. However, I think that a state should have mixed economy. Forests for example must be nationalized, important industries as well. But houses, apartment buildings must not.

"You claim that the lowering of taxes is an important tool" - "Lowered taxes would mean lesser income for the
State. How is the Romanian state to deal with this problem when the funds are cut?"

For a certain amount of time, taxes must be lowered. For example you raise the taxes on special occasions because you think that the economy will rise more but it will not, because not all will buy but only a part of the population, those with medium and high income but not those who have low income. But you if lower the taxes all can buy, not only those with medium income, high income but as well those with low income. Therefore, the percentage will rise, more money. In addition, the production must move even faster, because to make new products so we do not have an empty stock, for those certain products.
Yes, I am only 18 (1 March) but I have read and I live and I think, meditate upon the problems of my country and upon the problems of the world. A political-ethical philosophy, this is why I have talked about positive and negative freedom. I have understood, at least partially - not to praise myself, the substance of certain subjects. We must interpret the world then change it!

 =  PS
Bogdan G. Marin
[02.May.08 12:48]
on my bio
this means that I am auto-didactic. I learn everything I want to learn: history, literature, philosophy, politics, art, theology. I do go to school but our educational system is... well... in the dirt.

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