Comentariile membrilor:

 =  shadows in night...
Marius Surleac
[03.May.08 08:25]
very visual this poem Chris! "Shadows are long", "Rustles leaves", "moon filtered" - nice and finally "the birds rest".
Good job!

 =  u sure?
Daniela Voicu
[03.May.08 10:48]
u are sure?

 =  thanks
Christopher Thripp
[04.May.08 17:43]
yeh i am very sure dani ...thanks marius and thanks dani .....but are u sure needs to explainded lol.

 =  oh ...sorry
Christopher Thripp
[06.May.08 05:32]
explainded oh my word sorry about that...

 =  wonderful
Mike Aspros
[07.May.08 18:29]
I like the way you illustrate your decision process with the moon, leaves, and birds. Very poetic Chris. Although there is movement in the description of text, I keep rereading it, there is stillness to this poem. well done. cheers!

 =  thank you mike....
Christopher Thripp
[08.May.08 04:03]
our moon i am the wind complicated but hopefully easy to read .......all is calm now ...thank you mike appreciated indeed...

 =  H
felix nicolau
[14.May.08 15:26]
maybe it's not very new, but it has sensitivity and a welcome simplicity of tone

 =  long wait felix...
Christopher Thripp
[14.May.08 17:52]
well felix i have written 75 poems 2 on recomemended reading ..this is the first you comment on you must have liked this one...I thank you for your comments you are always welcome...thank you

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