Comentariile membrilor:

 =  welcome new member!
Marius Surleac
[05.May.08 10:07]
I think that romance can be also a prelude and a trap, depending of the moment, of circumstances. Who knows? We just have to feel it!

 =  cheers
Christopher Thripp
[06.May.08 11:58]
romance is a bonding process for the new and mature love...the trap is love not romance...

 =  Hello
Mike Aspros
[07.May.08 19:03]
yes, romance is pure, love is wonderful and after love become routine then the trap. I see couples together for thirty years, and the love seems more evolved into a trap of conditioning... accepting each other where you don't know life other than what you have. Snap! goes the trap, you just be and enjoy what you have.

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