Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Wow!
Sydney Krivenko
[05.Jun.08 03:22]
Wow, I like it, it takes some thinking, but one finally sinks into her!

Great poem! Congrats Marius!

 =  Some very nice classical images there, Marius...
John Willy Kopperud
[05.Jun.08 09:57]
...and I really enjoyed the dremy flow of the poem!
Cheers from Willy

 =  thank you Sydney, Willy!
Marius Surleac
[09.Jun.08 12:01]
First of all thank you both for the kind comments and for sharing with me your thoughts about this poem - it helps me. As you pointed out Sydney, this is the basic idea of the poem which is to be found right to the end. Secondly, I am sorry for the delayed answer, but I was on a trip in an area with internet connection.

Thank you both!

 =  A fresh voice in contemporary poetry!
Constantin Severin
[13.Jun.08 12:17]
I love this poem, the vision is spectacular,the impressive images denotes a special interflow between magic and mathematics, emotion and calculation, paradox and mystery.

 =  thank you very much Constantin
Marius Surleac
[13.Jun.08 13:36]
It is honour for me to have your opinion upon my texts. Your sharp eye view is right about the idea of the text. This poem is more an experiment that inflicts on of my hobbies: mathematics. I have called it like that because the poem is ruled by the Fibonacci numerical series.

Best regards,

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