Comentariile membrilor:

 =  small tip
Marius Surleac
[25.Jul.08 10:16]
One small tip for you (read the rules of the site): Do not delete your poems and post them again, because they will reach the "Portofolio Only". You can make the modifications within the text, and will be no problem.

Best wishes,

 =  thank you
Daniela Voicu
[25.Jul.08 10:32]
Thank you Marius!

 =  good
Christopher Thripp
[26.Jul.08 23:51]
what was you inspiration for this work?

 =  inspiration
Daniela Voicu
[27.Jul.08 11:36]
Inspiration: one love lost...hah, ha, ha ...good inspiration huh?!Every day , love kill some souls .

 =  understand
Christopher Thripp
[27.Jul.08 13:34]
ok thank dani now i understand ....

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Înapoi !