Comentariile membrilor:

 =  good work dani.
Christopher Thripp
[26.Jul.08 23:49]
good work daniela you improve with every poem...

 =  trueee
Marius Surleac
[27.Jul.08 11:23]
Chris is right, Daniela!

You've started to improve your style and I'm sure that this is just the beginning. Keep up the good way and interaction on the site is the key for improving your works. I like the last three lines, especially the last line "make me recyclable" - well done.


 =  Thank you
Daniela Voicu
[27.Jul.08 11:36]
Thank you Chris. Thank you Marius ,your worsd help me much to be a good poet.

 =  Good job
Lynn West
[29.Jul.08 08:42]
I like the way you did this one - good work

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