Comentariile membrilor:

 =  In need of peace of happiness
mariana fulger
[09.May.06 09:18]
I aprove your way of thinking, dear Edilberto, in totality. Maybe The Final Theory will change the whole way how we see and understand the Univers, and life, in generaly. Maybe tomorrow, people will be more than a kind of a horde of sagvages, searcing food and a cottage to protect their weakness. Above all we are souls in need of peace and happiness. A great day to you.

 =  calming the hordes
Edilberto González Trejos
[10.May.06 14:38]
Thank you for your reflections Mariana.
A great image that of "horde of savages".
It´s true, these are times of confusion and fear.
I just thought aloud trying to figure out some problems and have a probable glance at solutions.
"All souls nees peace and happiness", TOUCHÉ MARIANA.

All the best to you.

 =  million wondering souls
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[11.May.06 04:14]
I can relate to this stuff, though I'm not much used to it, as of now.

 =  Joshua
Edilberto González Trejos
[15.Jul.06 17:29]
That´s what it´s all about Josh


 =  A new order?
John Willy Kopperud
[02.Aug.06 01:24]

Ah yes, Songo, that really must be the case and I also have thought so for a while. You know, no empires are eternal, and I am sure that the Neoliberalist American one, with it's Ceasar, the second Bush, is no exception. All people who are occupied with writing, the world, and it's people, should have a vision. And a better functioning environment is not a bad one!

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