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 =  There you go again...
John Willy Kopperud
[29.Sep.08 19:18]
...with another good poem! A biting comment to the cryout for
"family values". To certain conservatives it may seem paradoxical, but a lot of us live in stable relationships and
with a sound personal moral standard without ever uttering that slogan!
Cheers from Willy

 =  .
dan marius
[03.Oct.08 17:57]
this one sounds better. although the tone remains the same.

 =  So what do you mean?
Edgar A. Baguio
[05.Oct.08 16:55]
Dan Marius, what do you mean by a "tone" in poetry? Maybe you mean the unity of my theme? Of course there should only be one theme in a poem, I mean a formal one. Not like a work of a scattered brain. And why would this comment not be allowed?
Are you all dictators here? You just love to post what you like and delete what you don't like?

 =  "leave the kids alone"
dan marius
[06.Oct.08 11:29]
"Of course there should only be one theme in a poem, I mean a formal one." It takes a scatterbrain to write decent poetry. But then again... you're a teacher. How could you know that?

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