Comentariile membrilor:

 =  welcome back Chris!
Marius Surleac
[01.Oct.08 10:33]
Hi Chris! Glad you're back! Finding your own peace, two minds in one, desire with realism. I sense a change in your style!

Though I have to point out a small mistake: there is "symmetry" instead of "symetry".


 =  thanks marius.
Christopher Thripp
[01.Oct.08 18:57]
thank you marius ...i am glad to be back and thank you for your comments ..appreciated.

 =  It's ok
Edgar A. Baguio
[02.Oct.08 15:46]
There is nothing wrong with the word "symmetry" in this poem. Marius, please check your dictionary, ok? Don't rush too much when correcting our poems here ok?

Chris, I like this one. Your imagery is commanding.

 =  !!!
Marius Surleac
[02.Oct.08 15:49]
Edgar, please pay attention to what you're inflicting. I said that is not ok because Chris had the word written with one "m" before making the change.

 =  thanks
Christopher Thripp
[02.Oct.08 23:05]
thank you edgar i appreciate your comments also..
and i did have 1 m before marius corrected me ...
thank you both...

 =  Sorry...
Edgar A. Baguio
[03.Oct.08 22:06]
Oh sorry...Marius..maybe your syntactic structure or should I say my analysis to your syntax is wrong...

I don't want to inflict anything here..I just want to create balance and harmony here, ok?

 =  Hi Chris
Mike Aspros
[03.Oct.08 08:16]
good voice and vision, I enjoy and look forward to reading your poems, nice to see you again. best, mike

 =  thank you mike...
Christopher Thripp
[03.Oct.08 09:16]
thank you mike i appreciate your comments also ..great to be back...

 =  dr jekyll and mr hyde...
Corina Gina Papouis
[03.Oct.08 12:09]
..your 2 minds, aren't they! Which one to do you prefer Chris?
(Curiosity killed the cat!:))

 =  corina.
Christopher Thripp
[03.Oct.08 17:19]
hey corina dreams are my goals ...but reality puts these on hold for a while...but i have lived them before and i will live them again...i am determined...
use my email if you would like me to delve further into this...

 =  yes!
Lynn West
[04.Oct.08 02:28]
when our "two minds" clash.... ah, then there is lightning and the gods tremble... reach into the corners of darkness and draw from it my dear - love it!

 =  lynn.
Christopher Thripp
[04.Oct.08 08:02]
thank you lynn... appreciated lots!!!

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